Welcome to the Psychology Wiki for 2008-09
This page is intended to provide timely information to applicants about the status of academic job searches occurring in 2008-09 in all areas of psychology. As information about a search becomes available, you are encouraged to post it anonymously below. Please follow the posting guidelines and examples to ensure that the wiki remains organized and easy to read. If you are looking for information about the previous hiring cycle, check an earlier version of the wiki.
*Congratulations to those receiving/accepting offers! Please consider sharing (anonymous) info about your offers on the new discussion board at http://psychjob.blogspot.com/ to help others who may be in the negotiation phase (last year's retired discussion can be found here: http://psychjobs.blogspot.com) *
New wiki for 2009-2010 is now available: http://psychjobsearch.wikidot.com/
* LAST UPDATED: 6/3/09 at 9:49 am EST
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- List schools in alphabetical order
- List each school only once
- Indicate the area of psychology in which the school is hiring as a nested item for that school (see below for examples)
- If information is already given for a position and you have new information, append it to the existing information (see below)
- Indicate the date that your information was posted
Anyville Community College
- Open: application acknowledged 2/2; phone interview 3/16; rejection letter 3/17; offer made 3/28; offer accepted 4/7
Big Name University
- Clinical: application acknowledged 9/27; rejection letter 11/8; campus interview 11/15; job talks posted here 11/27; offer made 1/5; offer accepted 1/15
- Developmental: application acknowledged 10/15; short list 11/25; rejection letter 11/30; phone interview 12/1; campus interview 12/5; offer made 2/1; offer accepted 2/8
Huge State University
- Cognitive neuroscience: application acknowledged 10/30; search canceled 12/13
- Social: application acknowledged 10/24; short list 11/27; campus interview 12/25; rejection letter 12/28
Prestigious Small Liberal Arts College
- Open (2 positions): application acknowledged 11/2; short list 11/30; phone interview 12/16; rejection letter 12/17; two offers made 1/28; both offers accepted 2/14
CHECK OUT THIS NY TIMES ARTICLE FOR SOME PERSPECTIVE: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/03/07/arts/07grad.html?em
Adelphi University
- 2 positions, open (cog, exp, i/o, forensic): phone interview Oct 30; invite for campus interview 11/18; campus interview 12/10; at least 1 offer accepted 2/12; other offer accepted 2/6
Adrian College http://www.adrian.edu/current_students/employment_positions.php
- Experimental—received an email requesting unofficial transcripts 11/3; Received notification that shortlist has been selected, 2/1
Albion College
- Social: application acknowledged 10/20; received email stating that social position will be filled as a one-year visiting position, and that applicants can request that they be reviewed for the one-year 12/12; telephone interviews conducted February; on campus interviews scheduled
- Developmental (adult development & aging): application acknowledged: 11/4; Received e-mail stating that because of the economy, they are unable to fill the position this year 12/12
Alfred University
- Two-year visiting in social: received email asking for availability for a phone interview with SC, 1/19; phone interview, 1/22; told that time line was to finish phone interviews next week and then bring the top three choices on to campus in Feb and early March; campus interview scheduled, 2/2; offer accepted 3/19
American University
- Biopsychology/Behavioral Neuroscience: application acknowledged 10/28 by my phone call
Angelo State University
- Developmental/Experimental: phone interview scheduled 12/3 on campus invite 12/11; offer extended 1/30; offer accepted 2/2
Antioch New England
- Clinical Mental Health Counseling: application acknowledged 10/26
Arizona State University, West
- Cognitive Psychology: applications due 1/5/09; full ad available here; application acknowledged via email 1/7; SEARCH CANCELLED (notified by email) 2/3
Arizona State University
- Quantitative: phone interviews 12/13-12/16; Campus interviews January and February—3 finalists 1/21
Ashland University
- Open: phone interviews 12/9-12/11; rejection email 2/23
- Health/Gero: phone interviews week of 3/2
Assumption College
- Biopsych/Physiological: phone interview 12/28, second phone interview 1/6, offer 2/12
- Human Services and Rehabilitation Studies:
Auburn University
- Child Clinical: Campus invite 10/24; offer extended 12/17
- I/O: Campus visit scheduled in the week of 10/27; offer extended mid-December
Auburn University- Montgomery
-Social: phone interview 2/16; campus interview scheduled last week of March
Augustana College
- 2 open positions: Intro, developmental, child psychopathology, cross-cultural, community, or health psychology: application acknowledged 10/31; Telephone Inteview 11/25; telephone interview 12/10, on-campus interviews complete. Campus interview scheduled, 12/22. (I think the 'campus interviews complete' comment must be in reference one of the two positions as my interview hasn't yet taken place, 1/5.) Offer turned down 2/4
Avila University
- Cognitive: phone interview scheduled for 11/15; phone interview 12/15, campus invite extended 12/15
Bard College at Simon's Rock
- Open: application acknowledged 11/12; phone interview 12/17; invitation for phone interview 12/20; heard from chair on 2/9 that an offer should be made soon
Barnard College
- Developmental: application acknowledged 10/8; campus interview invitation 12/15, will be conducting interviews in Jan/Feb.; offer made 3/9
- Cognitive: application acknowledged 10/14; campus interview invitation 12/12; rejection letter 1/14; four candidates being interviewed in February; position filled 5/12
Baylor University
- Open:
Boise State University
- Search #SS-0004-89 (teaching interests in Counseling, Personality, Gender): Received an e-mail stating that due to budget projections, this position will not be filled this year 12/12
Boston College
- Developmental: application acknowledged 9/29; Interview date set 10/9; Offer has been extended 12/23; rejection e-mail stating position has been filled 1/21
- Behavioral Neuroscience: application acknowledged 10/9
- Counseling psychology (2 positions): application acknowledged 11/6, identified finalists 2/4; rejection letter 2/11.
Boston University These faculty searches might not be canceled. According to an article in the Boston Globe, "All faculty searches already authorized, as well as dorm security and campus police positions, will continue, and the jobs should be filled…"
- Developmental: in negotiations with a senior candidate 1/6
- Cognitive:
Bradley University
- Experimental Psychology: application acknowledged 10/8, campus interview 12/10; offer accepted 12/30
Bridgewater State College
- Open: telephone interviews 1/6-1/8; position filled
Brigham Young University
- Open: rejection letter 10/13
Brock University (Canada)
- NOTE: these two positions are now a single position, but they are interviewing candidates for both and will make one hire
- Developmental Psychology: application acknowledged 01/06; rejection letter dated 01/30
- Social/Personality: application acknowledged 12/8; shortlist contacted 02/09
Brooklyn College (CUNY)
- Interdisciplinary Neuroscience: Rejection email 01/23
Broward College
- Open: Rejection letter 4/13
Brown University
- Human Memory or Attention (open rank): Job talks listed here 3/11
- Human Perception: add'l info requested (1/10); interview scheduled 2/17; Job talks listed here 3/11
- Computational Modeling: interview invite 2/11; Job talks listed here 3/11
Bucknell University
- Health: on-campus interview invite 10/23; on campus interview 12/1; notified by letter that job search has been cancelled 1/22
Butler University
-Open, 1-year Lecturer: telephone interview week of 2/22; rejection letter 4/9
California State University - Fullerton
- Applied Quantitative: application acknowledged 10/3; telephone interview week of 10/27; campus invite extended week of 11/10
- Applied: Search canceled notified via email 03/03
- Developmental: Search canceled
- Behavioral Neuroscience/Animal Learning: Search canceled
California State University - Long Beach
- Applied Experimental / Human Factors: application acknowledged 10/20; telephone interviews week of 11/7; Campus interviews start 12/4; Offer extended 1/15
California State University - Los Angeles
- Developmental: application accepted 10/14, "Stage 1" phone interview scheduled 11/3; Campus invite extended 11/6; offer extended 11/26; offer accepted 1/24
- Cognitive: phone interview scheduled 11/5, interview scheduled 11/12; offer extended 12/10; offer declined 1/29
California State University - Monterey Bay
- Open (Cognitive, Perception, Personality, and Quantitative):
California University of Pennsylvania
- Diversity: application acknowledged 11/21; invitation for phone interview 1/26
Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo
- Child Development: rejection letter 2/25
Capital University
- Open: Application acknowledged 12/27; contacted chair and was told that short list had already been notified 2/2; on campus interviews 2/14; notified that offer was accepted 3/30.
Carleton College
- Visiting social: received call to "assess" interest 12/4; on-campus interview scheduled for late Jan on 12/12; notified that job offer was extended and accepted, 2/20.
Carleton University (Canada)
- Cognitive Science: Campus interview invite 1/12; rejection e-mail 03/15
Carnegie Mellon University
- Social and Decision Sciences: Job talks posted as part of seminar series (http://cbdr.cmu.edu/seminars.asp) 10/16
- Cognitive Science / Cognitive Neuroscience: search canceled 1/27
Cedar Crest College
- Generalist (focus on research methods and statistics): position filled
Central Connecticut State University
- Multicultural/Cross-cultural:
Central Michigan University
- Cognitive: Campus interview invite for early Feb 1/21; Rejection letter saying position has been filled 4/6
Chatham University
-Counseling Psych - app acknowledged 1/26; Phone interview 2/17: Campus invite 2/20
Christopher Newport University
- Developmental/Educational: application acknowledged 11/13; phone interview scheduled 11/22
- Experimental: phone interview scheduled (3/6), Rejection letter (position filled) 6/5
Claremont Graduate University
- Organizational Behavior:
Clark University
- Social: application acknowledged 9/30; a sort of phone interview 11/17; offer extended, search concluded (via rejection letter) 1/21
- Clinical: application acknowledged 10/5; application acknowledged 10/1; short list contacted via email on 11/21, told that the department is awaiting approval from administration before interviews are set; Update 12/15: hiring freeze until Jan 15th. May or may not go forward at that time. Search canceled, letter on 1/23/09
Clarke College
- Developmental: Telephone interview 10/13
Clarkson University
-Cognitive/Experimental: phone interview 3/9/09; invitation for interview (3/11)
Cleveland State University
- Adult Development/Aging: application acknowledged 11/18; Interview Scheduled 11/19; offer extended mid-January
Coastal Carolina University
- Experimental:
Colby-Sawyer College
- Child Development: phone interview 11/20; On campus interview invitation 12/9
College of Charleston
- Cognitive: application acknowledged 10/16
- Developmental: application acknowledged 10/20
- Heard there was a hiring freeze on NPR 11/13 -Actually, only some of the hiring processes have been frozen. It's currently unclear which if either of the psych searches will be affected 11/17
College of the Holy Cross
- Developmental: application acknowledged 11/5, on campus interview offered 11/20, said they are interviewing 3 people in December and want to make an offer by the end of the year; offer made 12/11; offer turned down, 12/20
The College of Idaho
- Area open: application acknowledged 10/13, phone interview 11/17; rejection email (position filled) 1/19
College of Staten Island (CUNY)
- Phone interview invite 11/6, campus invite 12/8; offer extended 1/20; declined Feb10th.
The College of Wooster
- Clinical: phone interview 10/31, in-person interview invitation 11/23; offer extended 12/19 and accepted
Columbia University
Concordia University (Canada)
- Behavioral Neurobiology: campus invite 03/12;
Concordia College (Bronxville, NY)
- Psychology (general): phone interview on 4/7
Cornell University
- Feminist, Gender, & Sexuality Studies Joint Appointment: application acknowledged 10/7; short list invites made; 4 on campus interviews scheduled for Nov/Dec; e-mail saying search is cancelled due to the economy 12/16
- Human Development (behavioral neuroscience): cancelled 12/15
Creighton University
- Personality Psychology: application acknowledged 11/19; request for scholarly work 11/19; rejection letter 1/12; position has been filled (rejection letter on 2/24)
- I/O:
Curry College
- Clinical/Counseling: application acknowledged 12/12, invitation for phone interview 3/5 (declined because I accepted a job elsewhere)
Daemen College
- Social: phone interview conducted 11/11
- Cognitive: phone interview scheduled 12/18
Dalhousie University (Canada)
Dartmouth College
- Social/Social Neuroscience: application acknowledged 10/6; long short-list 11/19; campus interview scheduled 12/15; rejection email 01/14; rejection letter stating that short list had been notified 1/21; interviews conducted in January; rejection email
- Cognitive Neuroscience:Shortlist contacted and interviews scheduled for march-april 3/18
Denison University
Clinical: Phone interview 2/4; campus interviews scheduled 2/10; offer extended and accepted 3/1
DePaul University
- Clinical (community track): application acknowledged 10/15; application acknowledged 10/15 (said review would begin 10/17); Campus interview 11/3, rejection letter 11/11 Was the hire an inside candidate or was the search called off? In negotiations with an outside candidate 1/26; *rejection letter received 3/17, search finished*
Dickinson College
- Clinical/Community
- Cognitive: campus interview scheduled 11/19; position filled
Drew University
- Developmental: application acknowledged 10/15; rejection letter 11/24; e-mail sent to notify people still under consideration 11/24, said they are waiting on budgetary approval before moving forward with additional review; received email that budgetary approval was not granted, so search is canceled 01/07.
Dowling College
- Open: e-mail asking if I'm still interested and available for a possible interview 2/14
Drury University
- Open: application acknowledged 10/15; phone interview scheduled 10/31; phone interview 11/7; campus invite extended 11/11; offer extended 12/19; offer accepted 12/21; rejection letter received 1/17
Duke University
- Social Psychology: application acknowledged 11/19
- Social/Cognitive/Affective Neuroscience: application acknowledged 11/19; department is currently interviewing candidates; offer made
- Social:
East Carolina University
- Open (quantitative focus):
- Clinical: application acknowledged by my phone call 10/28
- I/O:
Eastern Connecticut State University
- Clinical/Counseling: phone interview set 10/30; campus interview scheduled 12/4; was told they are interviewing 4 candidates and that the last interview is on 12/22, offer received 12/24, offer accepted 1/2.
Eastern Michigan University
- Social/IO/Community: Received notification that the short list had been contacted, 02/01; offer extended as of 3/25
- Developmental: Initial review completed and letters of reference requested on 01/20.
- Cognitive Neuroscience: Initial short-list created and phone contact made by chair, 01/25. On-campus interviews scheduled for early/mid Mar.
Eastern Tennessee State
- Clinical/Counseling Primary Care:
Eastern Washington University
-Mental Health Counseling Program: App acknowledged
Elmira College
- Experimental/cognitive: phone interview 12/10
Elon University
- Experimental (area open); Short list contacted 12/3 (email); rejection letter 12/15; no phone interviews; campus interviews 1/5-1/14; offer extended 1/23; accepted 1/26.
Emory University
- Adult Cognition: application acknowledged 10/23; HIRING FREEZE (unknown timeline) as of 11/17; message that search was cancelled 3/17
Fairfield University
- Social cognition (preference to race, gender, sexuality, cross-cultural, or health): application acknowledged, 1/27; phone interview scheduled 1/30; rejection letter, 2/17
Fairleigh Dickenson University
- Child Clinical:
- Clinical/Forensic
Fayetteville State University
- General Experimental: application acknowledged 10/30; phone interview 2/13; campus interview invite 2/23
Florida International University School of Social Work
- Health:
Florida State University
- Social Psychology: application acknowledged 10/29; hiring freeze 10/31 - http://hr.fsu.edu/
- Developmental Psychology: search canceled due to hiring freeze 1/16 (mail)
Fordham University
- Clinical: application acknowledged 10/15; phone interview 12/4; said they are compiling a short list and will have on campus interviews in mid to late January; received e-mail 12/16 saying search is cancelled due to the economy.
- Applied Developmental: application acknowledged 10/15; received e-mail 12/16 saying search is cancelled due to the economy
- Experimental/Cognitive: application acknowledged 10/23; received e-mail 12/16 saying search is NOT cancelled; on-campus interview scheduled 2/13; offer made and accepted.
Francis Marion University
- Experimental (social, development, cognitive, neuroscience): application acknowledged 3/16
Franklin & Marshall
- Social: application acknowledged 10/14; on-campus interviews scheduled for the first two weeks of December; offer made 12/16; offer accepted 1/9; rejection letter received 2/4
- Visiting Professor of Cognitive Psychology: application acknowledged 3/30; on-campus interviews scheduled for the end of April
Fresno Pacific University
- Open: phone interview 11/19; visit scheduled for January
Gannon University
-Visiting Professor of Psychology: Offer extended 4/24
- Open:
George Mason University
- Clinical: offer pending
Georgetown University
- Cognitive Neuroscience: Campus interview scheduled for 1/22
- Psychology and Law or Public Policy: application acknowledged 12/8; Rejection Letter 4/7
Georgia College & State University
-Social: Received email 2/13 asking if I'm still interested; extended offer of phone interview 2/13; phone interview tentatively scheduled 2/20
Georgia State University
- Clinical: Interviews scheduled for Dec and Jan
Georgia Tech
- I/O: On-site interview conducted on 11/19 and 11/20; verbal offer received 12/12; offer accepted 01/05.
Gettysburg College
- Social Psychology: application acknowledged 10/15; campus interview arranged 10/23; offer was made and accepted 11/21
- Experimental: application acknowledged: 11/4 and 11/24; campus interviews during last two weeks of January; rejection letter 2/18, "position has been filled"
Goucher College
- Cultural/Mutlicultural: invitation for phone interview 1/26
Grand Valley State University
- Sociocultural:
- Health: campus interview arranged 1/12; verbal offer received 2/24
Grant MacEwan College (Canada)
- Biological: Application acknowledged 12/17
Grinnell College
- Neuroscience (candidate will join either the Department of Biology, Chemistry, or Psychology depending on primary teaching and research interests): Deadline 10/31. Looks like they have candidates scheduled to interview the week of Dec 8th (according to the college calendar).
- Clinical/Counseling: Deadline 10/31. Acknowledgment of receipt of application + request to complete HR affirmative action survey on 11/3. Phone interview set as of 11/14; they told me they are planning to get all of the phone interviews done during the week of 11/17-11/23. On-campus interview invite received 11/24. Department is interviewing 3 candidates between 12/4-12/12. Planning to make an offer the following week unless weather prevents candidates from visiting.
- one year visiting position (open area): phone interview 2/6.
Hamilton College
-Cognitive Neuroscience: e-mail to schedule phone interview w/longlist 12/22. Videoconference interview for early January. Mid-Feb: 2 Candidates given campus invites.
Hamline University
- Developmental: phone IV 11/06; Rejection letter 12/10
Hartwick College
- Applied social: application acknowledged 11/14; told that the top three candidates are being interviewed 1/28; rejection e-mail received 3/15
Harvard University
- Joint position in psych and studies of women & gender: campus invite 12/2, formally informed that search is frozen 12/11; Just called Harvard today and was told all job searches were put on hold?? 12/2
Hiram College
- Phone interview invite 12/03; campus interview invite 12/22/08
Hobart & William Smith Colleges
- Clinical: phone interview set as of 10/22; campus interview invite 11/11; campus interview 11/17; offer extended and accepted 1/7/08
Hood College
- Cognitive/Experimental: search is postponed 12/4
Howard University
HIRING FREEZE? www.hr.howard.edu/Policies/Vacancy_Review.pdf
- Clinical (Assistant/Associate):
- Quantitative and Personality/Personality Assessment (Assistant/Associate):
- Quantitative and Developmental Psychology (Assistant/Associate): contacted by Chair of the search committee; interview candidates should be contacted in the next few weeks (2/25); phone interview scheduled (3/13)
- Personality Psychology (any rank): invited for phone interview (3/19)
- Social (open specialty):
Hunter College, CUNY
- Clinical, Health, or Social (Assistant/Associate): received e-mail from department 1/14 that appeared to identify a shortlist and asked me to provide information about my research requirements in "the current financial climate"; phone interview invitation 1/22; campus interview invitation 2/1
Illinois Wesleyan University
- Developmental (pref. adolescent or life-span): application acknowledged 11/7; phone interview on 11/18; campus interview invite on 11/31; heard that the position was filled 2/13
Illinois State
Incarnate Word
-Developmental: application acknowledged 2/1
Indiana University - Purdue University Columbus
- Cognitive: phone interview 1/21
Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis
- Clinical: Application acknowledged via email on 11/14, said formal review will begin "next week": Phone interview scheduled 11/24: campus interview invite 12/12
Indiana University - South Bend
- Gerontology or Applied Behavior Analysis: campus invite scheduled 11/14; offer extended 12/15; offer rejected 12/18
Indiana University- Southeast
Ithaca College
- Developmental: application acknowledged 9/29; email confirmation from chair that job search has been postponed 1/26
Iowa State University
- Social Psychology: application acknowledged 10/14; three candidates have been picked, campus interviews scheduled
- Psychology and Law: application acknowledged 10/3; campus interview invite 10/31; Offer extended 12/10; Offer Accepted 1/5
- Human Computer Interaction: Campus interview invite 11/15; offer made 12/22; offer accepted 2/6
Iowa Wesleyan
- Open- phone interview scheduled- 1/5; campus invite extended 1/19
- Organizational Behaviour: application acknowledged 10/15
Jackson State University
- Open: application acknowledged 10/21; campus interview invite 11/4
James Madison University
- Doctoral Program:
- Open: application acknowledged 9/29;
- Combined integrative: phone interview 10/27, campus interviews thru Dec 11th.
- Developmental: on campus interview date set as of 10/20, new phone interviews scheduled in December
Jamestown College
-Area open: phone interview 11/24, on-campus interview 12/15-12/17; offer made 12/19.
John Jay College of Criminal Justice
- Clinical: job talk scheduled 11/13; offer made and accepted.
- Counseling:
- Addictions:
- Quantitative:
Johns Hopkins University
- Cognitive Science: application acknowledged 10/14; job talks listed online here: http://web.jhu.edu/cogsci/events/Colloquia/index.html; rumor that search has been cancelled; rejection email 2/9 saying that interviews have been completed and two candidates have been selected as finalists
- Interventional Cognitive Neuroscience (Neurology): on campus interview 10/13; rejection email 1/15
- Psychological and Brain Sciences: Rejection letter 1/22 QUESTION: Where is this job posted? It doesn't seem to be listed at psyccareers, or on the APS job website, or anywhere on the Hopkins website. Thanks! ANSWER: I think I saw this one on the "Science" career area. Occasionally it has unique cogneuro from the others.
http://www.cogneurosociety.org/content/October2008- rejection letter received 1/29/09
Kutztown University of Pennsylvania
- Area Open: application acknowledged 10/21; email from chair stated that short list created & campus interviews will start around mid january - 11/24; campus invite extended, 1/7
Lafayette College
- Neuroscience: rejection letter dated 12/19 stating 'candidate has been hired'
Lake Forest College
- Cross-Cultural/Multicultural or Applied: phone interview scheduled for 12/11, on-campus interview scheduled for mid-late January, offer accepted 2/10
Lasell College
- Open: Receipt of screening application acknowledged by email 12/1; notified by email that search has been suspended 1/5/09
Lawrence University
- 2 year VAP (Cognitive): campus interview invitation extended 2/13; offer extended 3/12; offer declined 3/16
Lehigh University
- Cognitive: application acknowledged 10/3; 2 interviews scheduled 11/03/08; job talks listed on Lehigh's calendar of events (talks scheduled for 11/17, 11/20, 12/1, 12/3); Rejection letter 1/27
- Counseling: phone interview schedule 11/14 (phone interviews taking place 11/17-11-19)- 2/10 Position has been filled
Lenoir-Rhyne University
- Experimental and/or Developmental: Notice of temporary hiring freeze 12/16; will reassess their ability to hire in March 09; received email 3/10 stating the hiring freeze will continue at least until fall 2009
Lewis & Clark College
- Assitant or Associate in Counseling Psychology MS program- phone interview 2/4. Top 2 finalist identified and invited to interview 2/12.
Linfield College
- Personality: they have hired someone for this position as of 1/20/09
Long Island University
- Clinical: notified by e-mail response to my e-mail that search is suspended due to hiring freeze 2/1
Louisiana State University
- Family Studies: job offer extended 12/05
Loyola College in Maryland
- Applied-Experimental Psychology; phone interview scheduled 10/31; phone interview scheduled 10/31; campus interviews scheduled 12/31
- Counseling/Clinical position; phone interview scheduled 10/24, phone interview scheduled 10/27, said hope to have job talks in December, position accepted 12/22
Loyola University in Chicago
- Cognitive Neuroscience: application rec'd 11/18/08; job talks to be scheduled in January; rec'd email that search is on-going, but that the committee has been delayed in compiling a short list 01/29; short-list notified 02/19
Macalester College
- Cognitive Neuroscience: Deadline 11/14. Notified as finalist by email- phone interview scheduled 12/9. Onsite interview scheduled 2/2. Email stating "position filled" on 3/18.
- Developmental: Deadline 10/1. Onsite interviews in November and December; Rejection 2/19 - position filled.
MacMurray College
- Open:
Macquarie University (Sydney, Australia)
- Social: On-campus interview scheduled 2/25
Mansfield University of Pennsylvania
- Social: Application acknowledged 11/26; phone interview request received via email 3/24; invitation for on-campus interview 4/10
Marietta College
- Open:
Marshall University
- Experimental: Position open until filled as of May 2009
- Clinical - search renewed and ongoing (April 2009)
Position descriptions here: http://www.marshall.edu/human-resources/jobs/Searchme.asp?Position=Faculty, #12118 (clinical) and #12117 (experimental)
Mary Baldwin College
- Developmental Psychology
- Educational Psychology: contacted re: phone interview 2/9; turned down phone interview 2/6
Marymount Manhattan College
- Clinical: application acknowledged 10/23
- Lifespan Development: phone interview 01/21; campus interview 02/25; offer made and accepted
Marymount University
- Open: phone interview 11/5, campus interview end of November, rejection notification 12/10
Marywood University
- Clinical:
- Counseling:
- School:
- Psychology (general):
Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts
- Social: application acknowledged 9/30; preliminary phone interview 10/19; preliminary phone interview 10/18, group phone interview 10/27, group phone interview 10/27, campus interview arranged 11/17; rejection letter 1/26
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Cognitive Science or Human Cognitive Neuroscience:
- McGovern Institute:
jobs may have been combined into one position
McDaniel College
- Cognitive: application acknowledged 9/24; preliminary phone interview 10/23; interview scheduled 11/4; offer made; rejection letter 12/15
McGill University (Canada)
- Quantitative: Application Acknowledged 11/7, campus interview invite 10/30, campus interview schedule 11/10; offer extended 12/19, offer accepted 01/15, rejection letter 02/09
- Cognitive: campus interview 11/25, Application Acknowledged 01/06, received letter dated 1/14 saying they will begin reviewing applications in a few weeks; offer made 1/28; rejection letter dated 1/21
Medical College of Georgia
- Disease Prevention/Health Promotion (child cognitive preferred but not necessary):
Mercy College
- Visiting Assistant Professor in Psychology:
Midwestern College
- Clinical or experimental: application acknowledged 10/8
Midwestern University (Illinois)
- Experimental: application acknowledged 10/24; shortlist notified 11/18; on-campus interview scheduled 11/24; job offer extended 1/23
Michigan State University
- Applied Quantitative Methodology: application acknowledged 10/22
- Clinical: phone interview 10/30; campus interview invite 11/06; offer extended 12/17; offer accepted 01/22
- Cognitive: application acknowledged 10/6; interview scheduled early december; Rejection letter dated 6/12 stated job had been offfered and accepted.
- Developmental: application acknowledged 11/5, campus interview invite 12/15; offer made 2/16, offer declined 3/2
- Community:
-Aging & Human Development (Dept. of Child and Family Ecology):
Mississippi University for Women
- Social:
Missouri Western State University
- Open: campus interview in February 2/14; offer made and accepted 2/23
Montclare State University
-clinical - campus invite 3/22
Morehead State
- Health/Cognition/or Social cognition: phone interview 2/3
- Open (Chair):
Mount Ida College
- Open: Phone interview invite 2/2
Mount Mercy College
- Social or developmental: phone interview 10/24; campus interview arranged 10/30; Rejection e-mail (position has been filled) 12/18
Mount Union College
- Clinical or Health: application acknowledged 12/1/08; phone interview invite 1/13/09; campus interviews scheduled 2/10
Nevada State College
- Applied Developmental Position: application acknowledged; Rejection letter 12/12, JOB SEARCH CANCELLED
- Experimental (non Clinical/Counseling or Educational/School): application acknowledged (e-mail) 10/21; rejection letter 12/12; JOB SEARCH CANCELED 12/28
New College of Florida
- Social: Application acknowledged 12/10, along with request for syllabi, teaching evals, writing sample, and letters of reference (not requested in original job ad); they plan to conduct phone interviews week of Feb. 2nd (as per email inquiry)
New York University
- Social: interview scheduled 10/31; offers made/accepted
- Developmental: interview scheduled 12/15, rejection letter received 3/31; offer made and accepted
- Psychology and Social Intervention: rejection letter received 12/27
Nipissing University
- Open:
North Central College
- Cognitive: telephone interviews 12/8-12/9; rejection letter (email) 1/22;
Northeastern Illinois University
- Physiological/biological or Cognitive Neuroscience: application acknowledged (review beginning) 12/11
Northern Arizona University
- Social/Personality Psychology: application acknowledged 10/10; Reviewing funding 11/14 - will determine if can proceed with position soon; 12/8 letter from dept. chair announcing cancellation of search
Northern Illinois University
- Social Psychology: application acknowledged 11/13; e-mail about campus interview 12/3; SEARCH CANCELED
- Clinical (2): application acknowledged 10/3; Interview scheduled as of 10/22; campus interview 10/30
- I/O: campus interview 11/11; verbal offer extended 12/4; offers declined by top three candidates, continuing search. Offer made and accepted.
Northern Kentucky University
- Open w/ diversity and multicultural focus: shortlist notified late Nov.; rejection email 1/9
Northwest Christian University
- Open:
Northwest Missouri State University
- Open: phone interview scheduled for 12/17; campus invite extended 12/30; campus interview scheduled for 1/23; offer extended 1/29; 3 candidates brought to campus, I think; offer rejected 2/17; position filled
Northwestern University
- Clinical: application acknowledged 10/13; application acknowledged 10/23; campus interview scheduled 11/05 (2 candidates chosen for interview); job offer made 12/16; candidate negotiating offer; offer accepted 02/10
- Joint position between Institute for Policy Research (Cells to Society) and Psychology: application acknowledged 10/28; application acknowledged by my phone call 10/27
- Senior research associate for Searle Center for Teaching Excellence
- Quantitative Methods (Joint Psychology/Marketing position): application acknowledged on 10/28
- Kellogg School of Management: interview scheduled 11/14
Northern State University
-Experimental: phone interview 4/1
Nova Southeastern University
- Clinical:
- Experimental (Open): phone interview, 1/26; phone interview, 1/27; invited for an on-campus interview 2/2
- Cognitive:
- Gender and Human Sexuality:
Oakland (MI) University
- Human Development:
- Social (emphasis on health): Campus Interview Scheduled 1/23; Offer Made; 3/24 Offer Rejected
Occidental College
- Cognitive Science: rejection email 02/25
Oglethorpe University
- Biopsychology: received email stating that search is canceled 12/16
Ohio State University (Columbus)
- Health (2): job talks posted here: http://www.psy.ohio-state.edu/php/calendar.php
- Developmental: shortlist notified 10/15, interviews to be scheduled for January; on-campus interview extended 1/5
- Neuroscience (3): job talks posted here: http://www.psy.ohio-state.edu/php/calendar.php
- Social Judgment and Behavioral Decision Making: interview scheduled 10/24:offer made and accepted 3/18
- Social (Eminent Scholar Endowed Chair)
- Conflict Resolution/Prejudice (Mershon Center Endowed Chair): interview in February
Ohio State University - Lima
- Developmental: application acknowledged 11/3
Ohio University
- Clinical: Application acknowledged 10/7: Short-list notified 11/19 and interviews will take place in January 12/3; Funding for clinical position approved 1/7; four candidates interviewing on 01/12, 01/15, 01/21, and 01/26
- Clinical Health: Hiring suspended
- Experimental Health: application acknowledged 10/6; HIRING SUSPENDED 12/3
Oklahoma State University
- Clinical: Phone interview 10/22; Notified "initial round" of on-campus interview candidates 11/4; Interviews completed 12/12; offer extended 12/17
- School of Applied Health and Education Psychology: application acknowledged 11/6; rejection letter received and informed position has been filled 3/6
Old Dominion University
- Clinical: application acknowledged 10/24; phone interview 10/28; emailed short list on 12/6 to advise that they are awaiting budget approval before proceeding with campus invites. 12/19: Budget approved. Invites will come in January. 1/29 campus interview invite. Offer extended in Feb. Offer accepted 3/2.
- I/O (2 positions): Received letter that the business school assistant level search was canceled due to state-level budget cuts 10/9. Dept of Psych phone interview for conducted between 10/13-10/31. Offer extended mid-December. Offer accepted
- Health: Canceled
Olin College
- Social Sciences: phone interview scheduled 1/9; campus visit invited 1/22; offer made 2/17; offer accepted 2/27
Oregon Institute of Technology
- Clinical/Counseling:
Oregon State University
- Learning/Experimental: campus interview invite 12/15; Offer accepted 2/20
- Developmental: application acknowledged 10/24; "long short list" notified 1/8; email notification that search has been canceled for budgetary reasons
Piedmont College (GA)
-General Psychology: posted 3/13/09; Application acknowledged 3/26
Penn State
- Open (focus on culture and context): notified on short list 1/15 (Penn State is bringing in interviewees from multiple sub-disciplines of psychology)
Penn State - Abington
- Social: campus interview, 12/8/09; campus interview 1/21
Penn State - Brandywine
- Human Development/Family Studies: Phone interview on 11/18, campus interview 12/1
Penn State College of Medicine
- Behavioral Scientist: phone interview invites 12/4 & 12/15; campus interview 1/5; rejection email 4/13
Penn State Erie - The Behrend College
- Social: Application acknowledged 11/24; contacted to complete affirmative action card 1/5; phone interview on 1/29; campus interview schedule for March 2 on 2/11; rejection letter 4/7
- Educational: phone interview invite 1/28
Pitzer College
- Clinical: phone interview 12/12, 12/17; campus interview
Pomona College
- Clinical: Phone interviews conducted week of 12/01; rejection letter 12/22; campus interviews scheduled for 3 candidates in January/February 12/15; offer accepted
Portland State University
- I/O (2 positions): application acknowledged 10/19, first interview scheduled early November, remainder of interviews to occur in January. 11/24 - notified of presence on "short-list" — indicated that on-site interviews will be conducted with a subset of this list during the begining of January. The first offer extended 1/16. Both offers accepted.
Princeton University
- Cognitive: application acknowledged 11/6; invitation extended 12/14:interviews complete 3/18
Providence College
- Social: application acknowledged 9/15; request for response to mission statement 9/14; campus interviews conducted in early November; rejection email 2/7
Purdue University
- I/O (2 positions): Campus visit scheduled in the week of 11/3; Offer extended in mid December; Offer accepted.
- Family Studies: campus interviews completed 12/5
Purdue University - Calumet
- Cognitive / Cognitive Neuroscience
Queens College of CUNY
- Social Psychology: application acknowledged 10/21; Campus interview invite 11/23; rejection letter 12/1
Quinnipiac University
- Biopsych/Physiological: Search postponed due to hiring freeze (notified by mail) 11/17
Ramapo College of New Jersey
- Social: phone interview 12/17; received letter on 1/15 saying that three interviews have been scheduled; rejection email received 3/9
Randolph-Macon College
- Open: application acknowledged 11/12; campus interview 12/1; rejection letter 1/27
Reed College
- Animal learning, cognition, or affect: phone interview 11/13; Campus interview 11/22; phone interview 11/22; offer made and accepted as of 2/02/09
- Social, dev, or clinical Visiting 1 yr position, 1 full time, 1 1/2 time: phone interview scheduled, 2/27; notified that offer was extended and accepted, 3/19
- Visiting Positions: will start contacting people end of February/early March (1/29)
Rhodes College
- Community, I/O, Health, or Cognitive: Application Acknowledged, 12/26. Phone interviews scheduled for late Jan/early Feb, 12/27.
Rice University
- Cognitive: campus interview invite 11/25; in negotiations with senior candidate 2/1
- Organizational behavior (@ Jones school):
Roanoke College
- Sensation and perception, Cognitive neuroscience and/or Neuroscience: campus job interview invite 2/4
Rochester Institute of Technology
- Applied Experimental: was told on 3/6 that interviews would be held during the next week, Campus interview 4/3, offer extended 4/10
Roger Williams University
- Multicultural: Rejection letter 11/25: phone interview invite- 1/12; offer accepted as of 3/25
- Cognitive Neuroscience: application acknowledged 11/1; e-mail: position frozen 1/11
Roosevelt University
- I/O:
- Social:
- Clinical: campus interview invitation on 12/18, said they hope to make an offer around 2/13; offer made 2/16; offer turned down (offer accepted elsewhere) 2/27
- Cognitive/Experimental
Rush University Medical Center
- Clinical Preventive Medicine:
Rutgers University - Camden
- Clinical: application acknowledged by my phone call 10/28; phone message from search committee 12/8; campus interview scheduled 12/13
- Childhood Studies: application acknowledged 10/17 (said review is underway); finalists identified 12/5
- I/O: Contacted about setting up an on-site interview in December or January 12/4
- Biological Psychology: Application acknowledged (mail) 12/5, campus interview mid January
Rutgers University - New Brunswick (Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology)
- Clinical: application acknowledged 10/16; application acknowledged 10/21; phone interview 10/31; campus interview 11/07; told all campus interviews will be completed in December; Faculty meeting 12/22 to possibly make a hiring decision; offer received 12/22; offer accepted 1/8
Rutgers University - New Brunswick (Department of Psychology)
- Health: Application acknowledged via email after submission; email says interviews will be arranged for December/ January; campus interview arranged 11/17; Job suspended due to economy.
- Assistant Instructor:
Ryerson University (Toronto, Canada)
- Quantitative Methods or Developmental Psychology (infancy): Application acknowledged 11/27, video conference interview scheduled 12/3, on-campus interview scheduled for January
Sacred Heart University
-Developmental: application acknowledged 11/22;
Saint Louis University
- Social psychology: application acknowledged 9/29; rejection letter 10/13; two phone interviews scheduled 10/21; phone interview 10/22; phone interview 10/23; phone interview 10/24; two campus interviews arranged 10/30; rejection 11/10; offer made 12/2; offer accepted 12/23
Saint Francis University
Salem State
- I/O:
San Francisco State University
- Social: application acknowledged 10/14; phone interview scheduled 10/31; campus jobs talks scheduled Dec 1-15; rejection letter 12/2
San Jose State University
- I/O: phone interview 2/12
Sarah Lawrence College
- Cognitive Development: call for campus interview 11/22; offer made end of Dec.; rejection letter indicating that position has been filled, 2/19
Seton Hill University
- Experimental & research methods: application acknowledged 10/10, campus invite extended mid-December; campus interviews mid-January; rejection letter (saying job has been filled) received 3/5
- Multicultural: campus invite 12/16; job offer extended; job offer declined 2/16
Siena College
- Experimental Psychology: This search cancelled mid-December due to budget
Skidmore College
- Clinical: application acknowledged 10/17; phone interview invitation on 12/8; campus invite 12/13, said that campus interviews will be in late Jan/early Feb, said they hope to make an offer around 2/13; offer made 2/13; offer turned down (offer accepted elsewhere) 2/27
Slippery Rock University
- Experimental (open): application acknowledged 12/2; contacted chair and was told that short list had already been notified 2/2; received letter stating "an administrative decision has been made not to fill the position" 3/10
Smith College
- Neuroscience: application acknowledged 9/30; rejection letter 11/7. Candidate accepted position.
Sonoma State University
- Social or Community Psychology (open area): application acknowledged 10/21; down to 12 semi-finalists/contacting references 11/13; offer was made and accepted 12/16
- Multicultural - 1/26 invited to interview for 2/13; job offered 2/17, offer accepted 2/24
- Child Studies/Developmental: application acknowledged 10/27, invited to interview 11/10
Southern Connecticut State University
- Clinical: Cancelled due to state budget cuts, 3/14
Southern Illinois University - Carbondale
- I/O: "phone call" scheduled 12/11; Interview scheduled 1/6; e-mail to schedule interview 3/16; job offered; offer accepted
Southern Illinois University - Edwardsville
- Cognitive / Cognitive Neuroscience; Email indicating review beginning 1/12; Phone interviews 1/14 - 1/16; Campus interviews 1/27 - 2/4;
Southern Methodist University
- Clinical: application acknowledged 10/13; call for campus interview 11/19; received letter "did not make short-list" 12/11
Southern Vermont College
- Developmental or Research methods/quantitative: heard from HR on 2/9 that the committee was making the short list, and phone interviews would be set up shortly
Spalding Univesity
- Experimental: application acknowledged 11/23; rejection letter 11/6
Spring Hill College
- Open (clinical, developmental, or social): rejection letter 11/17; phone interview for short list of 6 candidates 11/20, campus interview 12/2; offer extended 1/23; offer accepted 1/28
St. Bonaventure
- Two positions: application acknowledged 12/10; phone interview 1/5
St. Joseph's University
- Developmental (especially cognitive development in childhood and/or adolescence): application acknowledged 1/16; phone interview set, 1/29; campus invite, 2/7; rejection, position has been filled, 3/16;
St. Lawrence University
- One year visiting for Research Methods: sent email to short list of 7 to assess interest on 2/13, will bring one or more people to campus in the next two weeks; invitation for on campus interview, 2/28; offer extended 3/13; offer accepted 3/20
St. Mary's College of Maryland
- Social (emphasis on diversity): application acknowledged 10/6; invitation for phone interview 11/19; campus interview 12/1
- Developmental: invitation for phone interview 1/12; invitation for campus interview, 1/27; rejection letter dated 3/11 (not on short list); rejection, position has been filled, 3/16;
Stanford University
- Cognitive: email notification 1/26 that search is canceled
- Developmental: application acknowledged 11/13; invitation for campus interview extended 11/13; notified 1/26 that search has been canceled
- Developmental (school of education): references contacted for letters 11/13 (only done for 'finalists'); finalists identified 12/9; campus interview invite 01/05
- Organizational behavior (Graduate School of Business): rejection email 1/07
State University of New York - Binghamton
- Behavioral Neuroscience: application acknowledged 11/04
- Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience: application acknowledged 11/24; requested additional information 12/17; campus invitation extended 12/20 for Jan.
State University of New York - New Paltz
-Cognitive/Experimental: phone interview 1/27. Campus invitation extended 2/11. Job offer extended 3/13. Offer accepted 3/17.
State University of New York - Tompkins Cortland Community College
-Developmental: application acknowledged 12/8; phone interview 2/25; rejection letter 4/24.
Stonehill College
- Health: application acknowledged 10/28 by my phone call- offer extended and accepted- 1/9
Suffolk University
- Clinical (child): "search closed" letter 1/28; 1/23 rejection letter (other candidates are being interviewed)
Swarthmore College
- Clinical: (I have heard this is a "sham" search and they are planning to hire an inside candidate)
Syracuse University
- Clinical: application acknowledged 11/6; campus interview invite 12/6
- Cognitive psychology and neuroscience: application acknowledged 11/7; add'l information requested 12/05; rejection email 12/17, 3 campus visits took place, offer made, according to rejection letter 2/23
Temple University
- Neuroscience: application acknowledged 11/6; short list notification 2/5
- Clinical: application acknowledged 10/9; application acknowledged 10/10; phone interview 10/15; on-campus interview confirmed 10/17; campus interview invite 11/17; meeting 12/18 to make hiring decision; made offers to 2 candidates (1 junior and 1 senior) with mid-Jan decision deadline; asst-level position still open and interviewing candidate(s) with reduced start-up package ($50K) due to budgetary cuts 01/13, interview invite 2/10. Offer accepted for one of the positions (2/26/2009).
Texas A&M
- Social Psychology (up to 3 positions): application acknowledged 10/7; campus interview arranged 11/05
- I/O: Campus visit scheduled for the week of Nov. 24th; offer extended mid-December; offer accepted
Texas A&M - Commerce
- Cognitive (2 positions): application acknowledged 11/25; Invited for campus interview on 1/7- date of interview mid Feb; offer accepted 3/18
Texas Christian University
- Social and/or personality psychology with strong quantitative skills: application acknowledged 10/22; Telephone interview scheduled 11/21; Campus interview scheduled 12/15; rejection letter and informed position has been filled 3/6
- Behavioral Neuroscience: Campus interview invite 01/13; offer made 03/05;
Texas State University
- Clinical/Health: application acknowledged 10/15
Tilburg University
- Social: application acknowledged 10/9; rejection letter 10/28; on-campus interview scheduled on 10/29
The College of New Jersey
- Cognitive: application acknowledged 10/9; phone interview 10/28; campus interview 11/21; rejection letter and notification that position has been filled 12/16
- Counseling/Clinical: phone interview scheduled 11/12
- Diverse Populations:
Transylvania University
- Cross-cultural: phone interview week of 12/8; campus interview 12/12
Trinity College
- Cognitive: application acknowledged 11/3; short listed candidates contacted 12/15; campus interview invitation 12/18; Rejection Letter 2/11; search complete 2/17
Trinity University
- Quantitative (with interests in personality, decision-making, health, or organizational psychology): application acknowledged 10/13; phone interview 10/29; campus interview 11/7; rejection letter and informed position has been filled 3/6
- Neuroscience:
Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences
- Health Psychology/Behavioral Medicine: campus interview scheduled 12/19
Union College
- Visitor(s) in Personality-Social &/or Cognitive-S&P (one or two positions): heard from chair on 2/9 that decisions on campus interviews would hopefully be made "by the end of next week;" email sent 2/18 to find out if people on the short list were still interested; invite for late March or early April on-campus interview, 2/25; candidacy withdrawn 3/20; offer extended and accepted, Mid-May
University of Alabama
- Forensic: phone interviews in late October; on-campus interviews 11/4-11/25; offer accepted 12/19
- Policy (2 positions):
- Developmental (2 positions): application acknowledged 10/6; short list contacted 10/10; campus interview scheduled 11/4; offer accepted 12/29
University of Alaska - Anchorage
- Open: phone interview 1/23
University of Alaska - Fairbanks
- Open: application acknowledged 10/6; phone interview 10/18; short list 11/10
University of Arkansas - Little Rock
- Social: application acknowledged 10/20
University of Arizona
- Family Studies and Human Development: campus interview invite 01/31; search canceled 2/6 (e-mail from Chair); search re-opened, on campus interviews held week of 5/11
University of Auckland (NZ)
- Biopsychology: rejection letter 03/08;
University of British Columbia (Canada)
- Clinical: application acknowledged 10/30; campus interview invite 11/21; all interviews complete 12/16; offer extended 01/08; offer accepted
- Developmental: application acknowledged 11/13; two candidates invited for campus interview 01/01; offer made 02/05
- 2 Open (tenure-track Instructor I rank - teach Intro, Methods, adv courses in behv neuro, cogsci, dev): application acknowledged 10/30; rejection letter 2/9
University of Calgary (Canada)
- Cognitive Neuroscience:
- Clinical: phone interview 12/2; campus interview invite 01/13; email 3/25 that search is reopening
- Industrial/Organizational:
University of California - Davis
- Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience: 11/10 job talk invite extended (interviewing 5 people); Initial job offer made.
- Cooperative Extension Specialist: Youth Development
University of California - Irvine
- Social/Personality Psychology & Psychopathology (Searches Have Been Merged into One Open Position); interviews conducted in January; offer made 02/11; offer accepted 02/25
University of California - Los Angeles
- Cognitive neuroscience (emphasis on neuroimaging): job talk invite extended 11/10; job talks scheduled for 1/13, 1/20 and 2/3
- Clinical (Latino mental health issues): application acknowledged 10/17 (said review would begin 11/1)
University of California - Merced
- Developmental:
- Health (assistant position): Interview's conducted
University of California - Riverside
-Psychology -Assistant Professor of Teaching Position in Psychology:applications will begin on January 18, 2019, and will continue until the position is filled/https://aprecruit.ucr.edu/apply/JPF01031
- Social-Emotional Development: Interviews scheduled 10/17, interviews held 10/27 to 11/5, offer extended; rejection letter 01/02
- Management (business school):
- Educational psych (school of education): Interviews scheduled 10/15
University of California - San Diego
- Cognitive (emphasis on language): shortlist notified 12/2; invitation extended 12/4
- Experimental Psychology:
- Experimental Psychology with Translational Focus: short list notified
University of California - Santa Cruz
- Developmental (2 positions): application acknowledged 10/24; replied to my email indicating that search is moving forward 12/18; invitation for campus interview extended 1/15; candidates listed each week on departmental webpage 2/3; search cut to one position due to economy; offer extended and in negotiation 3/20
- Social Psychology ("of institutions"): application acknowledged 11/4; Social position cut due to economy via email from search committee member
- Cognitive: application acknowledged 11/10; rec'd email that search is moving forward 12/18; interview extended 1/18; candidates listed each week on departmental webpage 2/3; offer extended and in negotiation 3/20
University of Chicago
- Experimental Social Psychology: application acknowledged 10/9, campus interview scheduled 11/14, offer made 12/29; offer declined
- Integrative Neuroscience: application acknowledged 10/9, job talks posted on calendar here: [http://events.uchicago.edu/psych/monthview.phtml]
- Social Service Administration, School of Social Service
- University of Chicago Society of Fellows
- Comparative Human Development: application acknowledged 10/13, application acknowledged 10/28, 3 finalists invited 1/8, offer made and accepted (notified via e-mail) 3/9
- Organizational behavior (Graduate School of Business): campus interview scheduled 11/12; offer made
University of Colorado - Boulder
- Clinical (Assistant): application acknowledged 10/20; rejection email 12/17; invitation for interview received 12/30
- Clinical (Open-Rank): application acknowledged 11/11; rejection email 12/17.
University of Colorado - Colorado Springs
- Developmental: shortlist notified 12/1; on-campus interviews scheduled for jan and feb; offer extended 2/11. Offer acccepted 2/18.
University of Colorado - Denver
- Behavioral Neuroscience: request for references 11/24
University of Dayton - Ohio
- Clinical: phone interview invitation 11/18; on-campus interview invite 12/4; offer extended 1/23; offer accepted 1/29
University of Delaware
- Behavioral Neuroscience: application acknowledged 9/19
- Family Studies: application acknowledged 12/8; position frozen 1/26. Received email on 4/25 stating that temporary 3-year position has been instituted, with possibility (pending economy) of long-term position. Indicated that search process will be quick.
University of Denver - Colorado
- 2 positions in three areas (Cognitive/Social/Affective Science): as of 11/21; positions are still open 11/23; phone interview (for candidates on short list) 12/7; campus interview invite 12/12 (interviews to be conducted in January/February); offer made; rejection email 4/6
University of Florida
- Lifespan Development: application acknowledged 11/3; phone interview 1/21; campus interview 2/23; rejection letter dated 2/10
- Counseling Psychology: phone interview 12/17; campus interview 2/16
University of Guelph (Canada)
- Any area bridging biological or health sciences: application acknoweldged 1/7; Hiring Committee plans to identify a short list by early March
- I/O: Search postponed, will re-evaluate in February 01/15. Started to contact for on-site interviews. So is this search active again or is the comment for the bio/health position?
University of Hartford
- Clinical: application acknowledged 10/23; application acknowledged 10/24 by mail and again 11/5 by e-mail
- I/O: contacted 11/6 to confirm interest in position, search committee is meeting week of 11/10. Contacted on 11/18 to set up on-site interview for post-Thanksgiving time period. On-site scheduled for third week of December.
University of Houston
- Clinical (child): application acknowledged 10/3, on-campus interview 11/10 and 12/4; expect to make offer in December; offer made 12/19, still negotiating offer; spousal hire offer made, 2/21; offers declined 3/14
- I/O:
University of Indianapolis
- Open: application acknowledged 12/22
University of Illinois - Chicago
- Psychology (75%) and African-American Studies (25%) joint position: application acknowledged 10/22 - notified by email that search suspended.
- Psychology in the Dept of Crim, Law and Justice position - notified by mail 11/14 that search suspended due to "global economic downturn." 3/17 received letter stating the search is re-opened.
- Health in the Division of Community Health Sciences in the School of Public Health: application acknowledged 1/5
University of Illinois - Urbana/Champaign
- Affective Neuroscience: application acknowledged 10/27; notified on list of 6, 11/18; 2 candidates interviewed 12/20
- Quantitative: application acknowledged 10/27; search canceled 2/2
University of Iowa
- Social/Personality (assistant): application acknowledged 10/3; on-campus interview scheduled 10/31
- Social/Personality (associate/full):
University of Kansas
- Child Clinical (Neuroscience): application acknowledged 11/17, notified on 11/24 of a statewide hiring freeze via email due to state financial cutbacks. Chair of search does not foresee position reopening this year.
University of Louisana - Lafayette
- Social:
University of Louisville - Kentucky
- Clinical: search paused until start-up funds secured 01/05
University of Maine
- Clinical (Adult): Application acknowledged 12/6, rejection letter 12/22
University of Maryland - Baltimore County
- Clinical: application acknowledged 10/28 (confirmed no hiring freeze for this position); campus interview invite 11/26; search canceled due to budget cuts 12/18
University of Maryland - College Park
- Social Cognitive Development (in the Department of Human Development): application acknowledged 9/26; search canceled 10/01
- Developmental: Canceled
- Family Science (Department of Family Science in the School of Public Health): Phone Interview scheduled 1/22
- Social, Decision, and Organizational Sciences: Canceled
NOTE: There's a hiring freeze in place for the University of Maryland system (http://www.bsos.umd.edu/psyc/main/news/news.html).
University of Massachusetts - Amherst
- Race/Ethnicity and Adoption: 1/27 Search cancelled due to economic downturn.
- Stress and Coping: application acknowledged 10/10 (said review would begin 10/15): 1/27 Search cancelled due to economic downturn.
- Cognitive: application acknowledged 10/6 Search Canceled due to budgetary considerations. Letter received 12/1 Search is on-going 12/2; campus interview scheduled 12/17; job talks posted on department website 1/8, rejection e-mail, 1/21
- Developmental: application acknowledged 10/22; application acknowledged 10/16; requested add'l information 11/21; notified on 1/26 that position has been frozen for 7 weeks pending budgetary approval; campus invite, 2/17; offer made
- Behavioral Neuroscience: Short-list notified 12-20, interviews ongoing for 4 candidates in Jan/Feb
University of Massachusetts, Boston
- Developmental Behavioral Neuroscience: campus interview scheduled 11/11, offers may be extended in Jan/Feb
- Cognitive neuroscience: campus interview scheduled 11/11; Rejection e-mail 2/18 - position filled.
- Clinical Cultural Psychology: completed interviews and now job has been reposted for someone who works specifically with African Americans 2/4.
- Mental Health (Graduate College of Education): phone interview scheduled as of 11/12 and 11/28; anticipate doing campus interviews Jan/Feb.
University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth
- Cognitive Neuroscience: Search remains active - contact made 02/02; phone interview scheduled for 02/10. Email contact made to schedule on-campus interview.
University of Miami 12/23 SEARCH CANCELED for several (possibly all) positions:
- Health (neuropsych/neuroscience): application acknowledged 10/27
- Health (general): application acknowledged 10/27
- Developmental: pre-Interview phonecalls 11/3 and 11/12; campus invite 11/14; search canceled 1/15
- Child Clinical: application acknowledged 10/6; campus invite early Dec
- Adult Clinical: shortlist who attended ABCT conference weekend of 11/16 had informal interview at conference
University of Michigan
- Developmental (1 in Dev. Cognitive Neuroscience, Dev. Social Contexts, or Dev. Psychopathology): application acknowledged 10/24; requested reference letters 11/21; notified app was complete and would be looking over apps over the next couple of months 11/26; inquired on 1/27 and told that short list has been identified and interview candidates should be contacted within the next week or so; campus interview invite 1/30; campus interview 2/16-2/17; informed that search committee will likely meet on 3/9 to make a hiring decision (2/18); rejection letter stating that an offer has been made, 3/4/09; finishing up interviews, no offer out yet 3/6; informed that offer accepted 3/16
- HIV/AIDS: application acknowledged 11/26; more info requested 11/26; Job Search Suspended due to Economy 2/10
- Survey Research Center (Research Fellow): Letters of Reference Requested 2/11; phone interview 3/6; received invitation for campus visit on 3/9
University of Michigan - Dearborn
- Cognitive Experimental: Position Filled 3/5 (stated in rejection letter).
- Clinical: on-campus interview invite 11/26
- Biopsychology: Application Acknowledged 01/04; rejection letter 03/16
University of Minnesota - Twin cities
- Clinical Science & Psychopathology (Open-Rank): "Hiring Pause" at the University because of financial situation; inquire for interest in 2 year visiting assistant professor position 03/06
- Multicultural Psychology: interview scheduled 10/28; verbal offer made 1/15; offer accepted 1/29
- I/O:
University of Missouri, Columbia
- Quantitative:
- Counseling:
University of Missouri, Kansas City
- Health-related Human Neuroscience: application acknowledged 10/24
- Health psychology (broad): application acknowledged 10/28
- Educational psychology: application acknowledged 11/20 (e-mail); search canceled 12/18
University of Montana
- Child clinical: phone interview 11/3, 11/4; campus invite 11/14; offer accepted
University of Nebraska - Lincoln
- Clinical: 2/3 candidates already interviewed 12/15
- Open (Emphasis on Latino/a Populations/Issues):
- Substance Use and Addiction:
- Counseling psychology: Short-list notified 12/5
University of Nevada - Las Vegas
- Open:
University of New South Wales (Sydney, Australia)
- Experimental Social Psychology: Campus invite 11/20; offer made 1/22; offer accepted 2/3
University of New Orleans
- Developmental Psychopathology: interview 12/8; received offer 12/19; search suspended 12/22
- Biological Bases of Psychopathology/Affective neuroscience: Interview 12/10; committee deciding on top candidate 12/22; search suspended 12/22
University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
- Social: Offer accepted (http://psychology.unc.edu/news/)
- Does anyone know the status of the "CANCER RESEARCHER" job search at this campus? The appointment will be either in psychology or sociology. Last I heard (in mid-February), they were finalizing their list of people to interview.
University of North Carolina - Wilmington
- Cross-cultural and/or Multicultural psychology: requested letters/manuscripts 10/22; interview scheduled 11/7; verbal offer 1/28; offer declined 2/5
University of North Carolina - Greensboro
- Clinical (Adolescence focus): Interview offers extended 12/10; rejection letter 1/21
- Developmental psychobiology: search cancelled by state budget cuts (letter dated 11/24)
University of North Dakota
- Clinical: application acknowledged 10/19, scheduling phone interviews via email for week of 12/8 (email received on 12/6), campus interviews offered 12/; was informed no one has been hired as of 2/23, considering additional interviews
- Non-tenure positions (3)campus interviews scheduled for Jan-Feb (12/23)Offers made 2/11
University of Northern Iowa
- Health Psychology: application acknowledged 11/19, phone interview scheduled 12/4, rejection letter 2/18 (says offer made and accepted)
University of North Texas
- Quantitative: application acknowledged 10/3
- Clinical/Counseling/or Health Psych Program w/ Emphasis on Psychotherapy Research: application acknowledged 10/14
11/5 received an email stating that due to "unforeseen circumstances" the committee is reposting the 4 positions in the psych department. All applicants who applied before the initial Oct 1 deadline must submit an letter of interest stating he/she continues to be interested in the position and which one. Applicants who they do not hear from will no longer be considered.
University of Notre Dame
- Stress and Health: application acknowledged 10/31; short-list 12/3; campus interview invitation 12/12; (informal) offer made, 2/6
- Developmental: application acknowledged 10/22; on campus interview invitation, 12/10; offer made, 1/22; spousal hire offer made 2/28; offers accepted, 3/13
- Behavioral Oncology:
- Cognitive: application acknowledged 10/28; short list contact 11/25; interview invitation 12/10; rejection email 1/8, told short list and alternates had already been contacted; offer made 2/4; heard from colleague that offer has been accepted
University of Oregon
- Cognitive/Cognitive Neuroscience: application acknowledged 10/9; rejection letter 1/28
- Open (Quantitative expertise): application acknowledged 10/9, application acknowledged 11/9, 11/14; interview invitation 12/15
University of Otago (NZ)
- Open: Application acknowledged 01/26; interview invitation 2/10; rejection letter 03/30
University of Oxford (UK)
- Experimental Psychology: Rejection Letter 11/18
University of Pennsylvania
- Human Development:
- Clinical (Dept. of Psychiatry):
- Clinical (Dept. of Psychology): campus interview scheduled 01/14 (3 candidates being interviewed)
University of Pittsburgh
- Applied Developmental: application acknowledged 11/4, received letter that SEARCH IS CANCELED on 12/29
University of Queensland (Australia)
- Brain Institute: Campus invite 01/27
University of Redlands
- Campus interview invite 11/7; 1/20 rejection letter, position filled.
University of Richmond
- Cognitive Psychology/Science: application acknowledged 10/7; phone interviews scheduled 10/15; in-person interviews scheduled within next two weeks (i.e., by 10/31); campus interviews scheduled 10/29; first job talk listed on psychology department webpage 11/22; offer made 12/12; e-mail stating position has been filled 1/21
- Visiting Professor of Cognitive Psychology:
University of Rochester
- Developmental: application acknowledged 10/29; campus interviews being scheduled 11/19, Four campus interviews scheduled from Dec. 1-11, position filled in January (offered and accepted).
- Developmental Psychopathology/Quantitative Methods Research Faculty/Post-Doc at Mt. Hope Family Center: application acknowledged 1/15.
University of San Francisco
- General Psych. Job canceled 10/22 notified via email
- Clinical: Job canceled 10/22 notified via email
University of the Sciences in Philadelphia
- Health: Application acknowledged 11/5/08, Phone Interview Invite 12/15; Campus Interview 1/7; Offer Made and Accepted.
University of Scranton
- Forensic/Evolutionary; rejection letter 1/7, Offer extended and accepted 2/4
University of South Alabama
- Experimental Psychology: application acknowledged 11/3; phone interview 12/2; letter dated 3/10 stating search cancelled
University of South Carolina
- School Psychology: phone interviews (early Nov.), interviews to be scheduled around Thanksgiving, interviews postponed until Dec or Jan, mailing sent to say was filled (Dec 08), job reposted (3-13-09)
- Clinical (Child-family track): Notified 12/17 that search has been canceled
- Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience: shortlist notified 10/21, interviews to be scheduled in November/December, offer extended 12/5
- Child & Family Studies: Search cancelled due to budget cuts.
**University of South Carolina- Upstate
-Open (Statistics):
University of Southern California
- Decision Neuroscience: interviews scheduled
University of Southern Illinois - Carbondale (Note: I believe this is Southern Illinois University Carbondale)
- Clinical: Application acknowledged 11/21 with time line for interview calls in "early December"
University of Southern Indiana
- Two positions: Phone interview 12/22; contacted chair and was told that short list had already been notified 2/2; campus invite extended, interviews at beginning of March, 2/23; rejection letter 4/15
University of Southern Mississippi
- Experimental: application acknowledged 11/7, phone interview 12/9
University of Sydney (AUS)
- Learning or Neuroscience: application acknowledged 01/26; rejection letter 03/30
University of Tennessee
- Child & Family Studies: application acknowledged 11/7; letter sent that there is an institution-wide hiring freeze and the searches are canceled 12/19.
University of Tennessee- Martin
University of St. Thomas
- Behavioral/Cognitive Neuroscience: application acknowledged 10/2; phone interview 10/24; position filled 01/06
University of Texas at Arlington
- Psych and Center for the Study of Health and Illness: application acknowledged 9/30, interview scheduled 10/19
University of Texas at Austin
- Open (link to Population Research Center): Application acknowledged 12/22
- Open (link to race studies Warfield): Job search cancelled
University of Texas at San Antonio
-I/O, Human Factors, or Applied Social: Application acknowledged 12/17 via e-mail, phone interview 1/23
University of Toledo
- Social (2 positions): application acknowledged 11/24; phone interview scheduled 11/24
- Clinical: application acknowledged 12/3; faculty request for phone contact 11/21; phone conversation on 11/26, faculty indicated committee would be making recommendations for on-campus interviews on 12/04; email 3/25 that search is reopening
University of Toronto (Canada)
- Behavioral Neuroscience: Application acknowledged (email) 10/13; job talk listed on department website
University of Toronto - Mississauga (Canada)
- Social/Personality/Abnormal Psychology: shortlist contacted week of 12/15, on-campus interviews in January
- Developmental: campus interview invite 12/12; rejection email 4/6
University of Toronto - Scarborough (Canada)
- Social: application acknowledged 11/7; shortlisted candidates contacted 11/21, on-campus interviews in December/January; offer made/accepted
- Neuroscience (through Department Of Biological Sciences):
- Clinical: application acknowledged 10/16; campus interview invite 12/1
- Cognitive Neuroscience:
University of Tulsa
- I/O (assistant or associate): Search officially canceled 12/5
- Clinical: Campus interview 10/29, letter stating "search is still active" 1/22/09; currently "re-ranking" applications per phone conversations on 2/19; campus visit 3/4; offer extended 3/10; accepted 3/23.
University of Utah
- Applied Cognitive: application acknowledged 10/20; short list contacted to set up phone interviews 11/11; campus invite 11/20; offer made 12/21; rejection letter 4/5
- Clinical Child: Phone interview 10/3; Campus interview set 10/24. Offer extended 12/18.
- Counseling Psychology (Dept. of Ed): 1/19 received email from chair that one position has been filled; the second position was canceled due to the economy
University of Vermont
- Clinical: application acknowledged 10/5; application acknowledged 10/5 (said review will begin 10/15); JOB SEARCH CANCELED 11/12
University of Victoria (Canada)
- Social Psychology: shortlist contacted, on-campus interviews scheduled for January; offer extended early Feb
University of Washington - Seattle
- Cognitive Development (language):
University of Waterloo (Canada)
- Clinical: Does anyone know anything about the progress of this search?
- I/O: Canceled
- Developmental: ANYBODY KNOWS ANYTHING ABOUT THE PROGRESS HERE? Campus interviews underway, 1/27
- Social: Canceled due to hiring freeze
- Theoretical Neuroscience (through Biology): Application Acknowledged 10/2; Short list (30/71 applicants) contacted for references 11/4; Campus interview invite 03/02;
University of Wisconsin - La Crosse
- Experimental/Cognitive: application acknowledged 12/23; request for addit'l information by email, 1/14; phone interview scheduled for 1/23
- Applied Social or Developmental: application acknowledged & affirmative action card received 1/10; email received 1/29 with "email interview" questions for applicants to respond to in order to determine shortlist; they anticipate making their shortlist 2/4 and doing telephone interviewing after that; telephone interview 2/7; campus interview scheduled for 2/27
University of Wisconsin - Madison
- Cognitive Science: application acknowledged (post) 10/28; interview invitation extended 12/5; Interviewees scheduled:http://cogsci.wisc.edu/events.html
- Child and Family Studies: application acknowledged 2/11 *ANY UPDATES ON THIS SEARCH??*
University of Wisconsin - Marinette
- Open: Notified via email made first cut and application will be forwarded to campus for review.
University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire
- Clinical/Counseling:
University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
- Clinical: contacted for interview 1/9; interviews scheduled for week of 1/26 & 2/2
- Neuroscience: short list notified 1/13
University of Wisconsin - Oshkosh
- Cognition: application acknowledged 11/12, notified of short list 11/22, rejection letter 1/29
- Health: application acknowledged 10/29, phone interview set for 11/11; e-mail from search chair confirming interest in position 1/2; phone interview scheduled 1/5; rejection letter 3/6 (says position has been filled)
University of Wisconsin - Parkside
- Cognitive: phone interview 11/7, rejection letter 11/11; campus interview invite 11/25; Funding for the position recently became available 2/11; Offer made 2/13; Offere accepted 3/02
University of Wisconsin - Stout
- Cognitive; phone interviews 2/6;
- I/O; phone interviews scheduled 2/13; Rejection letter 2/18; On-site interview 3/12
University of Wisconsin - Whitewater
-Open: campus interviews conducted in February
University of Wyoming
- Social Psychology: application acknowledged 10/14; phone interview scheduled 10/21; on-campus interview scheduled 10/29; offer accepted 12/8
Upper Iowa University
Vanderbilt University
- Social or affective neuroscience: application acknowledged 10/1; Rejection Letter received 2/18/09
- Developmental: application acknowledged 11/18; Short list notified (12/15); job talks posted on website 2/17
Vassar College
- Social: application acknowledged 10/16; Notified 11/26 via email that the job SEARCH IS CANCELLED and is anticipated to be resumed in the fall of 2009
Villanova University
- Experimental Social: application acknowledged 10/02; rejection letter 10/16
EXPERIMENTAL-SOCIAL SEARCH CANCELED All faculty searches in the College of Arts & Sciences have been suspened for the year. The Psychology Department is postponing the experimental-social search until next year. They will be retaining existing applications so they can be reactivated next year.
Virginia Commonwealth University
- Ethnicity: application acknowledged 10/1
- Health (Associate/Full Professor): application acknowledged 10/23
Virginia Tech
- Quantitative Methodologist: On campus interviews conducted late Jan early Feb.
Washington and Lee University
- Psychology (open, but interested in social cognition as applied to other field, e.g. affective neuroscience): application acknowledged 11/4; Phone interviews will be conducted the week of 12/15; Invitation to campus interviews made 12/26; rejection letter, 1/15
Wayne State University
- Social: Campus interview scheduled 10/24, offer made/accepted; confirmed by department chair
- Cognitive: Campus interview scheduled 11/03, Campus interview 11/10, more interviews in Dec, offer made/accepted 12/12
Webster University
- Cognitive: phone interview scheduled 11/19; Position filled 3/5 (stated in rejection letter).
- Lifespan Development: phone interview scheduled 11/12; phone interview 11/18; campus interview scheduled 11/20; rejection 12/18 - stated offer was accepted by another candidate
West Virginia University
- Lifespan Developmental: phone interview 12/31
Western Kentucky
- Clinical: Short-list contacted 12/13
- Social: Rejection letter - search complete 3/16
- Educational: campus interview 2/24
Western Michigan University
- Clinical: officially begin reviewing on 1/10/09 (email exchange with Dept.), campus interview scheduled 1/24
Westfield State College
- Mental Health Counseling/School: Application acknowledged by email 12/23
Westminster College
- Counseling: Phone interview 12/15; Email notification of in-person interview offers, Rejection letter received stating the position has been filled
Wilfrid Laurier University (Canada)
-Behavioral Neuroscience: Application acknowledged (email) 01/30; email asking if I was still interested in position 02/24; search cancelled 03/17;
Williams College
According to this article in the Berkshire Eagle, some open faculty positions will not be filled due to economic uncertainty. It is unclear whether this will affect the psychology faculty openings.
- Cognition/Cognitive Neuroscience: application acknowledged 11/10; campus interview scheduled 11/25, offer made; search complete 1/13
- Social (one-year visiting position): *CANCELED* notified via mail 11/13
Winston-Salem State University
- Open (prefer I/O, Community, or Child Development)
Whitman College
- Open: Top three candidates have had interviews scheduled (12/1)
Worcester State College
- Developmental: Hiring freeze
- Clinical: Hiring freeze
- Open: Hiring freeze
Wright State University
- Behavioral Neuroscience: Application Acknowledged 11/4 (mail), short list for campus interviews will be approved by faculty in January, campus interviews scheduled for the end of January 01/13, offer made 3/2, offer accepted 3/9
Yale University
- Social: application acknowledged 10/23, interview scheduled 11/11; (polite!) Rejection letter 2/11; offer made; offer accepted
- Clinical: application acknowledged 10/23; campus interview 11/18 (all interviews completed by January); offer made 01/26; offer accepted 03/15
Yeshiva University
- Open: application acknowledged 10/28 by my phone call; campus IV invitation 1/27, offer made
Youngstown State University
- Educational: rejection letter 1/23